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Odyssey by Homer

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Odyssey – Free audiobooks to listen to on AudoReading.Online
After the Trojan War, the cunning hero Odysseus embarks on a perilous journey home, facing mythical creatures, vengeful gods, and supernatural trials. From outwitting the Cyclops Polyphemus to resisting the deadly allure of the Sirens, every step of his voyage tests his strength, intelligence, and endurance. Meanwhile, his wife Penelope fends off scheming suitors, hoping for his long-awaited return. Homer’s epic poem is a timeless tale of adventure, loyalty, and the struggle against fate. Rich with myth and legend, it remains one of the greatest stories ever told.
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On this page of the AudioReading.Online project you can listen to the audio book Odyssey by Homer for free. To do this, please use the player below ⤵️

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